Registered Charity !

Autistic association SCIO is registered with the Scottish Charity Regulator and HMRC

Give us some advice?
(0131 ) 618 3131

Volunteer Some Time?
(0131 ) 618 3131

Want to make a Donation? or help raise money

Common  Questions

accounts and funding

Charity accounts are published here.

Our income is tiny a little more would magnify the benefit to the Disabled group.


No waste 100% of donations used to Meet our aims

There are no wages to pay and no expense accounts for directors. Every penny works for the good cause.

Voluntary positions Nationwide

We offer opportunities to help out wherever you are.

Our volunteers complete individual tasks one hour at a time. Theres no commitment. Every hour is useful whenever you want to help. Full training and instructions


Our Charitable Purposes

The advancement of education of the public in relation to the disability; Autistic Spectrum Disorder. (A.S.D.)


The promotion of equality and diversity for the A.S.D. disability group.

Get your Autistic Group on

Yes we want you to join in. Represent your group in a program. Start small then maybe become a regular. 

WHY Radio

Our Audio model enables the widest group to participate. Autistic people can get equality in Communication when the pressure of cameras are not present

Get in Touch. Get Involved.

Your thoughts are welcome

6-8 Canongate Jedburgh TD8 6AJ

Call Us: (0131 ) 618 3131


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