Spectrum Voices Conversation LIVE UNCUT Unedited Conversation & Open Planning Meeting
Spectrum Voices Meets Live Every Sunday 6PM UK time 1PM EST . We make the whole conversation available here. You can listen to what was said raw and unedited. From 90 minutes we edit 20 for the podcast.

Short Podcast edit: A few ideas from the Spectrum Voices conversation With cleaned up sound and pauses removed.
A few ideas from the Spectrum Voices conversation With cleaned up sound and pauses removed..
“Late Late diagnosis Show” “On the Waiting List”
“Explain Me Autism” “Autism & Me”

Facebook page Feed here to share
Listening to each other .
Using our Authentic Voices
We are creating
Listen Radio
not Talk Radio

When we hear each other we are supporting each other. Its about using our own authentic voices. No music No Adverts No DJs.
Latest Episode
Our Story so Far
We are making steady slow continuous progress. We are not in a big hurry. You can join us right at the start of the Journey.
Our statement of intentions is here for us.
It’s what we do. To put our voices out there.
We decide what to talk about. And we meet regularly.
That’s our small piece of
That’s us at spectrum voices conversation.
But we’re also building a network and.
Besides our two hours on a Sunday.
There are 24 hours every day in which you could use that.
We will work with you. To.
Make different kinds of programs.
Have them on listen again or podcast.
We will act as facilitators. Cleaning up audio.
We will build that.
But for now we’re quite happy with what we have and what we have. Is.
A constant, regular meeting every Sunday where?
Some of us joined together. Occasionally I am a member of the public comes in and asks a question nor.
A bystander or another autistic person just listens in. And that’s good. That’s that’s where we are in that small space is a big achievement for us and we’re happy with that.
There’s no need for us to. Set up an intention to say that we are going to be the next big thing.
We don’t want to go viral.
We want to build slowly something that we are happy with and that we understand. As well autistically authentic.
It’s very easy to end up running too quickly. And masking what other people think these formats should be.
Our immediate need is to. Work on our editing and our sound. Because for autistic people, one of the. Difficulties with podcasts is the.
Sensory input of some of the advertisements and some of the.
Unexpected music.
We’re stripping it back to a quiet conversation between peers.
For the first half an hour of every meeting.
We talk about the concept of what we’re trying to do and we ask you to join us and advise. Give feedback and put ideas in there too. Because it’s early. And it can be moulded.
So whether you’re an autistic person who wants a voice or whether you’re a. Professional.
Who? Wants to encourage a group of autistic people to get a voice in a project.
You’re welcome to join us. You’re welcome to join us if you’re somebody with a curiosity about autism. Pre diagnosis perhaps? Or thinking about going into a career in autism and wondering what autistic people are like.
We hope to give them. A positive representation of a wide range of autistic people.
Not only the people who. Are often portrayed as. In desperate need.
We are such a wide spectrum we have to in some way regards take control of how we are seen. And this we hope to do. Quietly and gently. In our own space.
And our own determination.
Join us on at spectrum voices. Every Sunday. 6:00 o’clock. Greenwich mean time. Or Universal Standard Time.
Which will be 5 hours earlier. So 1:00 o’clock in the afternoon, Sunday lunchtime, Eastern Standard Time in the United States.
You don’t have to. Put your face out there. You don’t have to put your name out there.
You don’t have to speak.
We read the text that come through on the platform that we’re using.
And we don’t badger anyone to join the conversation. You are allowed to just listen like radio.
For us, the project is complete because we have our conversation every Sunday.
But you may wish to. Create your own conversation with your own group.
And it is free of charge to do that by other means.
But if you do it through autistic radio.
You will have the opportunity for other people to listen to you in the background. And text you the same as us. We will also organize podcasts and Listen again repeats
So we will help you and take some of the burden of setting things up from you. It’s the easiest entry to having your own. Group and conversation.
Stop by see what you think. And when you’re ready, you decide

This Test Broadcast isn’t Slick
It is “Autistically Authentic”
Authentic Autistic Conversations
Episode -10 the prequels!
August 14th 2022
Featuring Spectrum Voices Conversation
Heres an excerpt from the latest conversation. Harry Maurice Jules use their voices. Justin and Nicholas mostly text. Yes you can join in by text.
We each have different & perfectly valid communication styles.
Our intention is to keep it Autistically real. Our voices work well enough as they are ….. and so will yours.
How we express ourselves is unpolished and authentic.
We wish to express our thoughts and identity without any need to adapt to others idea of a “radio voice” !
Recent Episodes
On the Waiting List (in Production)
The Late late diagnosis show (in production)
Teach me Autism (in production)
You don't look autistic !! (planned)
Sign up Be informed
Its early days in the development of You can get involved now at the beginning or you can get an alert when we are up and broadcasting.
If you have skills or an idea to offer you are welcome to influence the growth of at the germination stage of the seed.

Broadcasting soon!
We have already done most of the fundraising and putting the infrastucture in place. Autistic Radio Day s 27, 28,29,30 December 2022 Four programme events of mixed live interaction and recorded content. Join us 6PM-8PM

Send your ideas direct to inspire us